Velvet Films


L'Art d'Être Heureux

DIRECTED by Stefan Liberski

In Diffusion
L'Art d'Être Heureux
feature - completed - 2024
Comedy, 110 min
With : Benoît Poelvoorde, Camille Cottin, François Damiens, Gustave Kervern, Laurence Bibot, Lorella Cravotta & Marine Dandoy

An unknown and unhappy painter suddenly decides to quit his job and move to a small town in Normandie, hoping to be able to create a masterpiece. Local people will have an unexpected impact on his life.

Cast, crew & partners

Director Stefan Liberski

Script Héloïse Moreau

Director of Photography Hichame Alaouie

Sound Thomas Gastinel

Production Design Maude Piette

Costume Designer Claire Dubien

Make up Designer Jill Wertz

Editor Frédérique Broos

Composer Casimir Liberski

Producer Artemis Production (BE) & Le Bureau Films (FR)

Associate Producer Velvet Films (BE)

Coproduction partner la RTBF (Belgian Television )

Coproduction partner Proximus

Coproduction partner BeTV

Coproduction partner Shelter Prod

With the support of Cinema and Audiovisual Centre of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

With the support of Wallimage (Walonnia)

With the support of Brussels Capitol Region (

With the support of Canal +

With the support of Cine +

Distribution O'Brother (BE)

Distribution KMBO (FR)

Page on IMDb
L'Art d'Être Heureux L'Art d'Être Heureux L'Art d'Être Heureux L'Art d'Être Heureux L'Art d'Être Heureux L'Art d'Être Heureux