Velvet Films



DIRECTED by Petra Seeger

In diffusion
feature - completed - 2020
Family Drama, 123 min
With : Margarita Broich, Felizia Trube, Momo Beier, Bernhard Schütz

The filmmaker Marie receives a box with family photos of her father. When she opens the box, the past hits her with full force and she embarks on a journey back in time to her childhood when her mother died.

Cast, crew & partners

Author Petra Seeger

Director Petra Seeger

Director of photography Hajo Schomerus

Production Designer Volker Schäfer

Costumes Designer Ulrike Scharfschwerdt

Editing Aron Roos

Producers Herbert Schwering, Christine Kiauk (DE)

Coproducers Petra Seeger, Joachim von Mengershausen (DE)

Coproducers Sebastian Schelenz - VELVET FILMS (BE)

Page on IMDb
Vatersland Vatersland Vatersland Vatersland Vatersland Vatersland Vatersland